Thursday 9 February 2017

My nicotine habit

Changing my life

I smoke for many years
Thinking i wouldn't be able to stop smoking
My immune system was weak and skin was dry, it wasn't a good look
So i said to myself i want to give up smoking
I didn't use any patches or seek hypnotherapist
Just old fashion will power supported me to give up this unwanted habit
Now smoking is a thing of the past and my hand is free

Make your change
Let go of unwanted habits today
Have a wonderful journey

Tuesday 7 February 2017


 Poem: Change

Change is painless
Just like the seasons transform
We need to do the same
Reshape our mind
Be a better person then yesterday
Make that shift
Do something new
That is cool
Be an example too
Freedom is change
by U&S craft

Friday 3 February 2017

Meditation for creativity and focus

Meditation for creativity and focus

Quote: Creativity flourish in an atmosphere of inner security and confidence
by Felicia Bendar

Thursday 2 February 2017

What is creativity

Quote: You can't use up creativity, the more you use
The more you have
by Maya Angelou

What is creativity?

Wednesday 1 February 2017

Why do we need creativity

Why do we need creativity

Quote on creativity

Quote on creativity

Unlocking the young people creative mind

Unlocking the young people mind

I feel it's vital to challenge the young people to embrace creativity, to see the outcome of their art.
Being creative is joyful, original, relaxing and changeable.
I those to contribute my time to unlock the young people creative mind, during school terms
Here are some crafts the young people created.
 U&S craft

Quote: Creativity take courage
by Henri Matisse